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Results for search "Fat, Body".

16 Oct

The Impact of Obesity on Certain Types of Breast Cancer May Be Underestimated

A new study finds nearly 40% of postmenopausal hormone positive cancers may be linked to excess body fat.

26 Jul

Belly and Arm Fat Linked to Increased Risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

A new study suggests people with certain body shapes face greater odds of developing neurological diseases – but researchers say muscle strength may offer protection.

25 Jul

Screentime Tips for Sleep-deprived Tweens – New Study Unlocks Secrets to Better Rest

A new study reveals 4 screen habits that help improve sleep quality and quantity during adolescence.

Health News Results - 21

23 Jan
Fatty Muscles Increase Heart Disease Risk

Fatty Muscles Increase Heart Disease Risk

A well-marbled steak is highly prized for grilling, but those sort of fat deposits in human muscles can be deadly, a new study says.

People with pockets of fat hidden within their muscles have a higher risk of dying from heart-related health problems, researchers reporte...

19 Aug
'Stealth' Foods That Sneak Saturated Fat, Sugar Into Your Diet

'Stealth' Foods That Sneak Saturated Fat, Sugar Into Your Diet

"Stealth" foods are sneaking saturated fat and added sugars into even the strictest diets, a new study shows.

Most saturated fats and added sugars come from well-known sources ...

25 Jul
Where Your Body Stores Fat Could Affect Odds for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

Where Your Body Stores Fat Could Affect Odds for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

Finding yourself packing on the pounds around your waist and arms? If so, you might be at heightened risk for neurological illnesses like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, new researc...

18 Sep
Heavy Drinking Tied to Dangerous Buildup of Fat Around Heart, Liver

Heavy Drinking Tied to Dangerous Buildup of Fat Around Heart, Liver

Before pouring another drink, consider this sobering new research: Heavy drinkers can develop fat around the heart, leading to heart failure and other cardiac problems.

This so-called pericardial fat is associated with increased risk of heart disease.


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