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Results for search "Snoring".

Health News Results - 3

20 Mar
Tonsil Removal Helps Kids With Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Tonsil Removal Helps Kids With Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Removing the tonsils and adenoids can improve the sleep of kids with mild breathing problems that disturb their slumber, a new clinical trial reports.

Children with sleep problems needed to see a doctor 32% less often and had a 48% reduction in medication use after surgi...

21 Feb
Cutting Out Meat Might Help Prevent Snoring: Study

Cutting Out Meat Might Help Prevent Snoring: Study

A person's diet can influence their risk of obstructive sleep apnea, a new study says.

Those who eat a healthy plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains and nuts are less likely to suffer sleep apnea, according to findings published Feb. 20 in the journal ...

13 Jul
In the Name of Better Slumber, a Third of American Couples Choose 'Sleep Divorce'

In the Name of Better Slumber, a Third of American Couples Choose 'Sleep Divorce'

More than one-third of coupled Americans who want better sleep are opting for a "sleep divorce."

They're not actually divorcing, but sleeping in another room so that they each sleep better.

"We know that poor sleep can worsen your mood, and those who are sleep dep...

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